
We want the best for your skin, that’s why we have formulated our products from scratch so they are effective, gentle and suitable on oily, acne-prone and dry skin. These are our bestsellers to help you achieve your skin goals.


Sometimes following the trend is trendy...See what everyone is buying with our collection of Bare Addiction Bestsellers!

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£19.99 £16.99
Clear Skin Mini Kit - Trial/Travel kit
Our mini kit gives you 30 days’ worth of our 5 products which help clear blemishes, unclog pores and reduce excess oil.
Daily Foaming Gel Cleanser 150ml
Deeply cleanses to unclog pores while reducing excess oil and the appearance of spots, redness and pores.
Bare Necessity Kit - 3 step routine
Your perfect starter kit with all the essentials to get our skin under control and start your journey to healthy skin.
Daily Defence Moisturiser SPF30 50ml
Hydrating spot protection that reduces excess oil and controls shine, while protecting your skin against harmful UV rays.
Clear & Bright Kit - 5 product routine
All you need to help protect your skin against sensitive, red & problem-prone skin.
Clear by Day & Night Kit - 4 product routine
All the necessities for daily & nightly defence against spots, oily and sensitive skin.

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-15% off

Clear Skin Mini Kit - Trial/Travel kit

£19.99 £16.99

Daily Foaming Gel Cleanser 150ml


Bare Necessity Kit - 3 step routine
